That's the song that comes to mind right now. When I start to get overwhelmed by this semester, God brings along someone to cheer me up. I came back to school after being home for the weekend and my roommate had the flu, and now I'm getting it, but I'm sure something will happen to keep my spirits up. In fact, something already did, because campus was closed until 10 today. I didn't have to go to my 8:00am modern dance class, which was sad but nice. I still walked over there, not having checked my texts. So sad.
But still, I didn't have to move around.
There are so many things I need to do right now. Everything has homework. All 10 classes have homework. Hours of it. Interesting and good-for-me homework. Long and tedious and tiresome. Songs in foreign languages to memorize, abnormal psychology terms to import into brain, folk songs to learn, scales to write down, work study that involves more work than study, plain-old practicing, and things to mail! (Sorry Mattea, your letter really is coming. Truly.)
Looking on the bright side, I love my new roommate. She makes me tea :) and is very perky and fun. <3
Prayer answered the way I wanted it, haha. Thank You, Lord.
Wednesday is Cornerstone, the young adult Bible study. I'll be playing a Bali instrument named a Gamelan on Thursday night with the world music ensemble class I'm in. Saturday I'll be playing a nursing home gig with some of the music therapy students. So that's me at the moment.
Over and out