
Tale of the Cramming Orchestra

...And the orchestra pulls an all-nighter, rehearsing until their bow hair is gone, their fingers stiffen up and their reeds can give no more. But the musicians labor on, knowing that they have only one more day until the concert, and their playing needs to improve. Tempers flare, nerves grow thin, and ears wear out. “I honestly can’t tell the difference between an A and an A-flat anymore, maestro. Really.” 
Okay, well, it didn’t go exactly like that, but we did add half an hour to the practice time, and my sextet had to practice for an hour on top of that. That’s 3 1/2 hours total playing time. Gabe, my stand-partner, and I had sore backs by the end, but it didn’t turn out as bad as we thought it would. Maybe we passed the point of the night when we are usually getting ready for bed, so we got a second wave of energy.
Anyway, it was a good rehearsal, considering we lost two practices to the snow storms. I’m looking forward to the concert.

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