
The Creator In Art, Part I

I'm about to lapse into a random thoughts-onto-paper sort of writing about how the lessons I've learned in music translate into my journey with God. However, it is 10:34 pm, and I haven't touched an instrument all day (not my fault, completely), so it could get weird.

I am working on one of Chopin's piano pieces, and I realized I hadn't used the metronome with it for a while. Okay, maybe never. Thinking this is probably a good idea, I hunted around for Melanie, my little metronome, found her, stuck a nail in to turn her on (she hasn't been quite the same since the accident), and off we went. Woops, slow down, girl. I'm not Horowitz. So there I go, running along, and I notice how uneven I had been playing it. Metronomes are good at showing mistakes. After a while I got used to it, and I thought about how the Bible is sort of like a metronome. I live my life, setting my own pace, moving faster when I feel like it, pulling back when I get scared or tired. But then I figure out that something is up, something isn't quite right. I run to the Lord, and ask Him "what's wrong, why do I feel like my heart is...uneven?'' Then I start listening to the metronome, which is always on. I just don't listen for it all the time.

Actually, now that I think about it, the orchestra conductor is a better picture of this. Sometimes I bury my head in my music, not paying attention to the conductor's leading. This is synonymous with doing devotions every day without concentrating, being still, and listening for God's voice. Then all of a sudden I'll hear the other musicians, or realize I'm rushing all over the place, trying to get this over with as fast as possible, and I'll look up at the conductor/God, and align myself with His design.

It just amazes me, the order that He's set up. Everything, from bugs to singing to dirt to trees to sports to love, is all connected. It all relates to everything else.

Hopefully this makes sense, and I won't read this tomorrow and go "oh, dear. That was my 10:58 pm, trying-to-keep-myself-awake-until-the-parents-get-home-so-i-can-be-done-babysitting self talking". Speaking of which, I think I hear a car door.

~  : )


  1. That was very good Hannah! If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have guessed you wrote it late at night :) Though I find my creative energies are at the highest during the night, actually. Which sometimes makes it hard to get to sleep, because my mind is running all over the place.

    Anyway, very good symbolism, especially about the metronome. I can relate.

  2. Thank you! It was fun to write.

    Yes, it's true. I am more creative at night, too. I have to work on not letting my imagination keep me awake! Thankfully I can't get internet at night, or else I'd be a total night owl. :D
