
Coordinates Requested and Received. Halifirien72 is Ready for Takeoff.

    I’m just making up my own cockpit dialog, so don’t judge me on accuracy. The only flight dialog I’ve heard/seen is from Star Wars, The Hunt for Red October, or Going Solo, which makes me a non-expert. And now I’m way off topic. *screech of brakes as train of thought prepares to reroute*
    This week marked the second most momentous step toward college: orientation. I woke up ten minutes before my alarm clock was set to go off, so I must have been excited. That’s something funny I’ve noticed about myself: people will ask me if I’m excited, and I just won’t know. There’s either a disconnect in my neural network, or I just don’t work myself up for things, but I rarely get noticeably excited about anything that a) I’ve never done, or b) involves unknown people. But that is one of the goals of orientation, and this one was successful. Now I know two more kids that will be in my music therapy classes, have seen the backs of about a quarter of my fellow class of ‘14, and decided that I would much rather be given a suite-style room than a quad. Or it might be the other way around, but the point is that I don’t want to share a bathroom with the entire hall. Stay tuned. I also bought a sweatshirt and Dad got me a license plate holder with the school’s logo. Very exciting.
    That was seven hours plus one and a half of driving. It was a very, VERY hot day, and I was exhausted when I got home. I touched ground for about an hour, long enough to eat something and get an ibuprofen for my achin’ noggin, and then I was off again for three hours of orchestra rehearsal. It was okay, because my energy went up a little before we got there, and the ibuprofen worked, thank You Lord.
    It’s been a fun week so far. On Saturday I went to Mattea’s graduation, which was well worth the trip. I’m so glad I could go, and that we didn’t schedule my party to be that day.  It was quite a contrast to my graduation, which I think is totally due to region and people involved. It was kind of funny to see how much culture varies state to state. My ceremony was shorter and a little more conventional , but it didn’t give as much of a glance into the family’s lives that I got to see at the PHAA’s.  I really enjoyed the ceremony and getting to see Mattea and her family. Let’s celebrate! WE MADE IT!!!!!

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