
She Sighed

About the dearth of posts: It was an awful summer, especially after that post in June. Enough said.

About the title: She Sighed is a song title and it fits the day.

I am not in the best mood and feel like I need to reinforce some personal quality that I like about myself. Yes, really selfish, so just skip this post. It's mostly for my own therapeutic use.

I can almost always find two ways to look at a situation. Take this: I've been so stressed that yesterday I  stripped my fingernails of their white-trimmed glory. This summer I really worked hard to resist damaging them, and I succeeded. Well, except for one nail here and there, but it was usually because I hit it and it broke. A small victory, but a victory nonetheless, and a victory I could see and touch and decorate.

Now it's gone, an addition to the mounting frustration threatening to cause some major change.

But there is a flip-side to this. Now that my fingernails are short, I won't be nagged by my teachers to cut them! They weren't actually getting in the way,  but my viola teacher was suspicious. This is one of the times I wish I was a vocal major. They can grow their fingernails out, style their hair down, and wear whatever clothes or jewelry they like (within reason). Not violists or pianists, no sir. We can't wear large rings, anything with a substantial collar or neck, earrings, watches, bracelets, the list goes on.

Whoops. I meant to turn that into a happy paragraph. Oh well. I'm still happy my teachers won't be able to bug me. There. Now I'm thinking positively again. :)

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