

This semester and last summer have been really difficult. My focus has been pulled in so many different directions. It's hard to fight when you can't see your opponent, even though you know who he is. It's hard to pull it all apart and separate what God is telling you from what is just lies. It's also difficult to remember where you came from, what the condition of your soul was before all this happened. But that is one of the best things to do, despite how self-centered it sounds. Because it's not. It shows you what God has done for you and in you and through you. So, to that end...

There is one person in particular who, it seems, God has put in my life to test me and strengthen my apologetic skills. This person can be very difficult and stressful to be around. Two days ago we were having a pretty deep discussion, and when it became clear I didn't believe what they believe, they told me something that really should have gotten under my skin. But it didn't, because it was straight out of scripture. I'm sure this person was surprised at my reaction (or lack thereof, really), but inside my head I'm doing a little victory dance because WOW! 1 Corinthians 1:18 in action, baby! Aaaaah! It's so exciting when you get to live out what you believe and it WORKS!!! Thank you, Lord.


Of the nine finals I have this semester, five are done. It's really weird not having to think about those classes anymore. (Brain, enjoy the break. You deserve it.). All I have left is the music therapy test, my viola jury, my singer's jury (I accompany on piano), and social dance.

Right now I need to go take a walk so I get energized to study and clean and pack! Pack. It's hard to believe I leave Friday and don't come back for a month.

I can't wait.

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