snippet and ink
I found this site via Bryce Covey's photo blog. It's wedding-centered, but I love it for the photo ideas. The photo of the tiny ring bearer running down the isle is the best (March 4th under Sunday Editions)! I'm really looking forward to honing my photography skills this summer. I've been negligent to the point of forgetting what an f-stop means. That's sad.
Also slightly depressing are the ponds here at school. They're being dug out to get rid of all the nastiness that accumulated thanks to the flocks of geese who (that?) have taken up residence. The fountains will be reinstalled, which will be lovely. But right now it's annoying because we have to take the long way around to get from the conservatory to the cafeteria (I refuse to call it the dining hall. It does not merit that title). So to remind myself what the ponds will eventually look like, I post this photo.
That does look very nice. You should take a photo now and do a "Before and After" thing later :)