
CNN vs. the government

Blogs look so forlorn with only one post, so I'll add another.

What do you think about CNN asking that all of the healthcare bill proceedings be televised? Do you think governmental transparency can be taken too far?

I, for one, am happy about CNN's request. I can see the other side's view, though. It probably gets on the lawmakers' nerves to have cameras in their faces 24/7, but then they can't get away with anything. : D

Conclusion. Tada.


Greetings and Salutations

I'm finally on, MK! Aren't you proud of me?

Now to decide on a font. Trebuchet? Verdana? Wedbdins? Apparently not that one. Lucida Grande? Georgia? Courier? Oh, I like that one. But I like Georgia better. Nice.

Yay! I'm excited. I'm also excited to be done with these songs I've been working on for six months+. But it is helpful to have something to work towards. I'll be glad when the auditions are over!

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