

...six months later

Since it’s been six months, it is time for a blog post, but since it has been that long, “let me sum up”.

Between June 17th and now:

- I held a part-time job (that wasn’t work study) and a large credit load simultaneously, and was mostly successful. But I don’t want to do that again.
- Experience continues to reinforce what I’ve learned about interpersonal relationships.
- God filled in the gaps made by disappointments and sometimes immediately replaced them with something lovely.
- I read two books for pleasure: Out of Africa, by Isak Dinesen, and The Blue Castle, by L. M. Montgomery. The Blue Castle I read during finals but Out of Africa I only partially read and it took the entire semester. More on that later.
- Affirmed for not the first and probably not the last time that social networking sites and their ilk are like black holes in my life and I do not miss them when they are not accessible.
- Time has flown.

It’s a good thing I buckled my seatbelt six months ago.

Over winter break one of my goals is to apply to internship sites to complete my music therapy degree. Internship is only a year away. By this time in 2013 I will have completed my undergraduate courses. Gone will be the days of midterms and finals, wearing jeans during the work week, staring at a computer all day, private lessons on the viola, and having month-long breaks at the end of a lot of work.

I still have two semesters at school, so my other goal is to expand my guitar skills and learn as many pop and rock songs as possible so I can just unpack an instrument and play. Next semester I take the mental health practicum, which is a mini-internship leading music therapy sessions for clients with mental health needs. In preparation I should be able to play anything from the 60’s to 90’s. This will probably be the second most difficult practicum repertoire-wise, after medicine and rehabilitation, which could be any age group and therefore any music from the 20th century into this century.

That’s me, carrying the entire shelf of music books home from my local library.