

I know you're longing to hear what I'm talking about, but hang on a second while I go get some food. I'm starving, as my bros say. Ugh, now the phone is ringing....

Okay, I'm back. What was I about to say? Oh yeah: HIGH SCHOOL IS OVER!!!!!! WOOOOOOT! Let me take a moment to savor the moment.

It feels weird to no longer say I'm home schooled. When people ask where I go to school, I can say a name, and it won't be followed by that little pause while the person rearranges how they think about me, which is usually followed by, "do you like it?"  

I know I will miss home schooling. Where else can you be your schedule your day any way you want to, changing it whenever you feel the need? Where else can you choose your courses without having to add the ones you won't need to graduate and don't like in the least? Where, I ask you? Thank God He gave me a career choice that suits me so well. Otherwise, I might be super depressed at the thought of college.

I have enough mood swings as it is. Last night I stayed up late talking through my troubles, which is a bad idea sometimes, because they're blown out of proportion in a teenager's mind at night. It lasted a long time. My poor parents. At least they know what's going on in my head now. 

Sometimes, all these changes just get to be a LITTLE TOO MUCH!

Still there? Sorry, that was loud. But thanks for letting me put that out there. I feel better now. That doesn't mean you don't have to pray for me, though! Here's the big decision I have to make: play viola, or not play viola. See, there's this thing called course overload, and if I choose to have both piano and viola as my primary instruments, it's going to cost more (time and money). I would be, in effect, double majoring, even though my actual major is music therapy. What to do, what to do? I'm not sure. At this point, after talking to my parents and viola teacher, I'm thinking I'll give it a try. What will be even better is if I get a good score on my AP psych, which will get me out of that class and free up practice time (and money! Don't forget that!). I just hope I'll be able to handle it all.

In other news, we got four chickens last Saturday. Yep, one for each of my siblings and one for me. Not that we'll be able to survive on just the eggs produced by four chickens, but the lady was selling them and we can get more later. Right now we're waiting for the rain to stop so we can build a coop and yard. They stink when you keep them inside. Bleck. 

MIcah is funny about it, and keeps saying how these chicks aren't going to survive, the cats will eat them, etc. Stephan gets really mad at him when he says that, but I think Micah is just preparing himself in case they don't make it. The chicken mortality rate is pretty high around here. The hawks must be in want of mice or something. That's why the chicks are in our basement for the time being. Ick!

I'm off now, to rid the world of meatless hamburgers. (e.g., I'm going to go play diner dash).




This is the second-to-last day of homeschooling. Ever. *sigh*  It's a milestone for me, yes, but even more significant for my parents. They've managed to educate a kid from preschool through 12th grade, at home! Tada! Thank you, Mom and Dad, for giving me such a wonderful learning experience. xoxo : )

I'm so glad the AP psych test is over. No more SATs, no more APs, ahhhh. So nice. Now all I have to worry about are juries and finals and all that fun stuff in college. The next hurdle is the recital this Saturday, and then the concerto competition after that. I'm really thankful my sister and I got to do the double viola concerto together. It's been fun, and challenging, but it makes it easy having someone in the house who can practice with you whenever you get to it. 9:30 at night, for example. I know she'll be happy when we're done with this and she can have her shoulder looked at by a specialist. Playing music shouldn't put your limbs to sleep, lol.

Babysitting job no. 1 of the day is now finished. Kid is on bus, check. Next babysitting job is in the afternoon, so I have to go home and see how much I can get done before I head out again. Sorry for the boring post. I'm trying to post a video of my music, but it won't upload. Any ideas?

Adios, amigos.


Alas, AP psych review is devouring me, thus, I cannot post properly.

I shall be back next Wednesday.


~Reluctant Crammer