
Update on the Random List

I am now updating some items from my random list of 6.11.10

Number one: The Brothers Bloom is one of my favorite movies of all time. I would recommend it to anyone over 16 who is not squeamish. It's not completely clean, but the story and acting is so fresh and unique that it's worth it. Or maybe I just don't see enough non-mainstream films. Be that as it may, I liked it. I plan on watching it again before I return it, because there are so many details I probably didn't get the first time.

Number two: I picked the iTouch. Enough said.


  1. Well I am sure it [the iTouch] will serve you well!

    I enjoyed reading all of your posts! I haven't been on blogger for about 5 days, which is amazing for me hahaha, and when I got on today there was a lot to catch up on. What do you know, the week I decided to take an unintentional break everyone else posts. Not fair. lol

  2. Haha! I felt kind of bad posting three at once, because I've been so sporadic about it lately.
