
Standing on the Edge, Unfolding Wings

College really doesn't seem all that scary. Still, I don't want to brush it off. It's a big step.

So here I am, getting ready to move into my new life. It will take a while to get adjusted to everything, but I'm looking forward to it. I will bask in the joy of a consistent schedule, which has not been my lot this summer, or even this year. People are constantly changing the time they want me to come to babysit or teach, which means I have to change anything else that might be in the way that day. Unpredictability is the bane of a musician. I can't lug my viola with me everywhere, let alone the piano! Thankfully I had The Magic Flute rehearsals, otherwise I might have become stagnant. I shudder at the thought.

The Magic Flute ended the last week of July. That week was a little tricky, what with three houses, two pools, a dog, a cat, and three gardens to water. My circadian rhythm was set back because of the late night rehearsals we had for Flute, so I'd bike over to the houses around 10 am. I'd be done by 11:30, when my family showed up to go swimming. I love that glorious pool. That week the high was always above 95, so you can imagine how rewarding it was to bike there, get all sweaty walking the dog, cleaning the pools and watering plants, and then have a pool to jump into. It was the perfect scenario, and a great workout regimen. I hope I get to do that again next year. The only problem was how tired I was before the four-hour rehearsals. My arms weren't quite up to the challenge, but I made it. I really enjoyed getting to play with my teacher and her husband and the kids I know from youth orchestra.

It was bittersweet, ending my time under the direction of Mr. Wirth. He's the conductor I had for the last two years. I'll miss orchestra, but hopefully I can get into the one at SU next year. I'm going to miss you especially, Mrs. Tung. I couldn't ask for a better viola teacher. I love you!

In short, I'm looking forward to school, and I'm very thankful for all I've been given.

Thanks, Lord.

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